czwartek, 12 czerwca 2008

Benefit na grupe Antifa z Bialegostoku

Bialystok to miasto na wschodzie Polski liczace sobie 300.000 mieszkancow. Liczba lokalnych nazioli rosnie. Ludzie nie wygladajacy na Polakow i antyfaszysci sa atakowani na ulicach,pomniki i groby sa pomazane nazistowskimi sloganami. Antyfaszysci sie organizuja i zwiekszyli swoja dzialalnosc. Ich akcje wzbudzily uwage policji. Antifa jest zatrzymywana i przeszukiwana na ulicy, ich domy sa najezdzane, a rzeczy konfiskowane.

Ostatnio liczba antyfaszystow maja sprawy wytoczone przeciw nim w sadzie. Sa oskarzani za grozenie dwom nazistom po tym jak jeden za antyfaszystow byl raniony nozem tego samego dnia. Obrona sadowa duzo kosztuje dlatego przyjdz w ten piatek (dzis) do Vrankrijku by wesprzec naszych Antifa Dziki wschod Bialystok.

Wiecej by pomoc . Antifa kazdego dnia, w sobote 14 czerwca de Voetzoeker ( Ibisdreef ) w Utrechcie
A dzisiaj we Vraknkrijku na spuistraat 216 drzwi beda otwarte od 21.00 mowca z Bialegostoku da info o 22.00 a potem zagraja
Slowa we krwi ( Politiczny hardcorepunk z Bialegostoku, Poland )
Anemia 77( punk 77 z Bialegostoku PL)
a potem didzeje, a tez slyszalem ze jakas lokalna, amsterdamska kapela ma zagrac.

Bialystok is a city in the East of Poland, with some 300.000 inhabitans. The number of local
neo-nazi’s is growing. Non-Polish looking people and antifascists are attacked on the streets, monuments and graveyards are smeared with nazi slogans. Antifascists are organising and have intensified their activities. Their actions have aroused police attention, antifa’s are stopped
and searched on the streets, their houses raided and assets confiscated.

Currently, a number of antifa’s have court cases running against them. They are charged with threatening two nazi’s, following the stabbing of an antifascist by nazi’s earlier that day. These court procedures cost a lot of money, which is where you come into the picture. Come to the Vrankrijk on Friday in support of the Antifa Wildeast Bialystok!

More to do? Antifa everyday! Thursday June12th there is another benefit in the squatted swimmingpool in Zaandam, as goes for de Voetzoeker (Ibisdreef 5) in Utrecht on Saturday the 14th.
.Door opens at 21:00
Info talk by a speaker from Bialystok at 22:00
Bands and DJ’s from 23:00
Bands playing:
Slowa we krwi (political hardcore/punk from Poland)
Anemia 77 (street punk, Poland)

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